What is a stiletto?

A stiletto or stiletto-heeled shoe is the maximum expression of femininity, no wonder, it is a shoe that stylizes the figure, lengthens the silhouette, and achieves the optical effect of long legs. Of course, it is not worth wearing the first model you see, you have to know how to wear it well and, above all, you have to know how to combine a stiletto with class and a lot of styles. Stay with us and you will discover what a stiletto is and how to use it correctly.

The origin of the stiletto, the shoe that does not go out of style

Do you know what a stiletto is? Sure it is, it is a shoe whose heel exceeds 7.5 centimeters, even reaching 10 centimeters in height. It is a shoe with a stiletto heel, here is the other name by which it is known, which can be in the form of a boot, pointed shoe, or sandal.

The term stiletto was born in Italy back in the fifties, it derives specifically from the word ‘still’ which comes to mean ‘dagger or dagger’. It was Roger Vivier who, after working with Christian Dior on his first collection, elevated these shoes. The union of these two geniuses meant that by 1952 the so-called ‘Vivier Stiletto’ was known in all the great capitals of fashion. Today where they are still used in half the world.

Tips to know how to combine a stiletto with style

The classic stiletto comes in the form of a pointe shoe since it is the same model that we are going to learn to combine today. We could tell you to wear the stiletto with this or that dress or to wear it with a miniskirt, but instead we are going to give you a few keys so that, whatever your style, when you open the closet in search of a casual look and modern or a groundbreaking one, do not have any doubt about how this type of footwear should look. Pay attention because from these tips you can create hundreds of your looks.

The color and style of the shoe

The first rule that you should pay attention to is the style of the shoe, if it has a buckle, if it ends in a fine point or is a bit rounded, if it is ringed at the ankle… The second thing you should pay attention to is the color. This way you will know if that stiletto shoe is the right one to wear with jeans or with a gala dress. Also play to make combinations of a style in total color, black without going any further, and to put the note of color with an incredible red (or any bright color) stiletto.

Wear your stilettos on the occasions when it’s worth it

It is worth it that you can wear them at all times but, as it is an elegant shoe that is somewhat complicated to wear due to its stiletto heel, it is better to reserve it for the evening, gala or guest looks. It will be so that you can look sophisticated and take your infallible weapon out of the closet.

Do not wear them with certain types of clothing

The famous wear the stilettos even with sweatpants, however, as it is a refined accessory, we are going to give it the place it deserves, so do not wear the stilettos with leggings and basic t-shirt, with skirts leather and mini tops, with sporty pants (as much as you think they are very chic) ​​or with skirts and dresses that reach beyond the ankles. It is not that they do not look good, but the shoe is not going to be seen and it is not worth it.

You are ready to show off your stilettos whenever you want and have a sure hit.

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